Wedding Photography Rates:
Each Package is designed to meet each and everyone’s budget. Each package below is printed in detail along with what you get with the price. Photographer charges $100.00 per hour if photography event is 3 hours or less. A deposit is required upon signing of the Photography Contract – Deposit payments are arranged by the photographer using Money Gram© Express Payment. ** Price may be negotiated (Must call for terms of Negotiation) Package I - 4 hours
| Pro Photography Rates:
The Following Package is designed for Individual Portraits, Profile shots and Model Portfolios. Each package below is printed in detail along with what you get with the price. Photographer charges $125.00 per hour with a Minimum of 2 hours per session. A deposit is required upon signing of the Photography Contract – Deposit payments are arranged by the photographer using Money Gram© Express Payment. ** Price may be negotiated (Must call for terms of Negotiation) Individual Portraits
Call 832.888.5618 or email for details
Payment Method:
To make deposit payment pick up your blank form at any Money Gram Outlets around the United States, fill in the form with the information below and make payment. Call 832.888.5618 and inform Photo by Jasangas that payment was sent via Money Gram and your reservations will then be confirmed.
Money Gram© Express Payment form
Receive Code: 4070
Deposit Acct #: 60106371895
Company Name: AccountNow, Inc.