Letter from Hasselblad Masters 2008:

Dear Gus Jasangas.

Over 1,700 applicants were considered for this year's Hasselblad Masters Awards. We were extremely pleased with the overall quality of the applicants for this year's competition. We received applications from dozens of countries around the world and from all types of photographers in all types of fields.

You made it to the Finalist but unfortunately, your great project dint not win. We do, however, sincerely appreciate your submissions and much enjoyed seeing your images. We would like to congratulate you on the quality and creativity of your photography and are eager to see more of your work. We would like to take this opportunity, therefore, to urge you to enter the 2009 Masters Competition.

You will receive a special Finalist Diploma, certifying your achievement in this competition by email, before the end of next week.

Best regards
Christian Nørgaard
Photographer Relations Manager

Hasselblad A/S
Hejrevej 30
DK-2400 Copenhagen NV, Denmark

--------------------------- A Personal Note ------------------------------

In all honesty, even if I didn't win the Masters 2008 - It was the courage I took to compete amongst the worlds best photographers and made it as a finalist. The experience was rewarding, just to even get a diploma saying I made it as a finalist with Hasselblad Masters.

Thanks to all my friends, and family and the models who posed for me for this special event.


Gus A. C. Jasangas
Posted at 7:55PM, 19 January 2008 ChSt
The Hasselblad Winners 2008:

Picking the ten winners of the Hasselblad Master Awards 2008 has proved to be a lengthy but enjoyable challenge for Hasselblad, who received more than 1,700 entries to the newly re-energized contest.  With each entrant submitting 10 images, the judges had to review over 17,000 photographs from established professional photographers using large and medium format cameras.  The high level of entries is further proof of the excellent reputation the Hasselblad Master Award has developed over the years for celebrating the best in both established and rising photographic talent. 

Given in recognition of a photographer’s contribution to the art of photography, the Master Award is judged on photographic ability, encompassing creativity, composition, conceptual strength and technical skill.  The team at Hasselblad began the rigorous judging process at the beginning of December, before the international jury, comprising the editors of five respected photographic magazines, selected the 10 winners from the 100 finalists.

The ten winners will each receive a framed diploma and the free use of a superb Hasselblad H3DII DSLR camera system for four months.  During that time, they will be able to use the equipment as they wish, although they will also use it to capture images to be included in the production of a unique, high quality, photographic book, to be launched at Photokina in September 2008.  

The book, a special Masters commemorative collection of photographs, will feature pictorials showing images from each winning photographer, who will be asked to interpret the theme ‘passion’ in their own style.  Aware that almost every photographer dreams of having their own creative work showcased in a book, each winner will also receive 50 copies of the book.  Printed in English by German publisher teNeues, the book will also be available in more than 70 countries and will retail at around €60 each.  A further 90 finalists and 400 runners-up will receive Masters Award diplomas. 

Christian Nørgaard, Hasselblad’s newly appointed Photographer Relations Manager, says, “We have been delighted by both the large number and extremely high quality of entries.  We now look forward to seeing the results of the winners’ individual interpretations of ‘passion’, using the best cameras in the world, and to choosing the finest of their images for the commemorative book.”

Details of the Hasselblad Master Awards 2009 will be announced on the Hasselblad website in March 2008, and submissions for the 2009 Awards will be accepted after that.  Due to the increasing popularity of the contest, next year’s judging panel will be twice the size and will also include several photographers of international renown. 

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